My motivation is to make this information accessible. Do this and immediately see the results. Otherwise what's the point? It's cause and effect. That I can promise you. That's exactly how you are going to build trust in yourself. I won't share anything that I haven't authentically hand on heart had evidence of transforming in my own life.
If you want to see how good things can get for you, then yes.
We all deserve a big big life. Assuming that's already a guarantee let's get curious about the foundations you are trying to build on.
Are you making decisions from a place of fear/lack/doubt. OR... do you already feel whole and are motivated from a place of this is the most loving action I can choose? ie I want this because I love it.
Anything built on exhaustion, not enoughness, fear, may stack initially but it will crumble. Our focus is building a foundation of wholeness to support your expansion.
Does your life look like day after day of aligned opportunities and no chaos? Do you have certainty that everything that happens is for your highest good?
Is there one area in your life you can't seem to create flow?
If you are holding onto any unconscious beliefs that are offering stronger protection than the strength of the desire for the thing you want then it's very likely that you will have a block in that area.
This is called a competing desire. It's a lovely way that we protect ourself but what is even better is to transform it and watch the blessings fly in. I'll give you a system to make that happen.
Do you spend a lot of time preoccupied by fear and planning solutions for what could go wrong? It's very clever because we think if we have thought of everything then we will be safe. It is also exhausting and a mental load we do not have to carry. If you are looking for anything in the external to be safe it suggests you don't have safety in self. The irony is once we create safety in self everything we desire will flow to us. Why? Because we have the safety to hold it, and hold onto it. I'll give you a process so that you can transform this.
The focus is for you to receive. Building a life you love, and then having the tools to navigate and transform anything that bothers you. It's a gentle letting go of any layers that prevent you from feeling peaceful and fulfilled. All I want is to add value and share a system that you can expect to deliver daily miracles.
Each 1:1 session is 60 minutes and 85 euros.
Yes absolutely.
Yes absolutely. I'd be happy to travel to support you with this, or we can arrange this online.
The Process Mallorca
Carrer dels Angels, 9, 07003 Palma de Mallorca